Stephen Hawking Net Worth

Stephen Hawking Net Worth

How much is Stephen Hawking worth:

  • Full Name: Stephen William Hawking
  • Net Worth: $20 Million
  • Occupation: Theoretical Physicist
  • Marital Status: Divorced
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian


Stephen Hawking Net Worth – How Much Does The God Of Science Earned In His Career?

Stephen Hawking net worth is $ 20 million which is amazing for a scientist; he is often regarded as the most brilliant scientist in the world. He is also someone who fights a lot everyday just to live. No doctor told him that he is going to live this long. When he was just 23 doctors told that he is going to live only two more years. But he is still alive today and even though he is completely wheel chair bound his mind is still as sharp as it was before. He loves appearing in popular TV shows. The most popular TV show in US television The Big Bang Theory mentions his name in almost every episode and he finally made some guest appearances in the last couple of seasons. His presence gives the show a much needed ratings boost.

Early Life

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England, his parents did not have a lot of money but in spite of that they both attended University of Oxford. Stephen’s mother went away to give safe birth to him as London was not safe anymore because of lot of bombings. Stephen has two biological sisters and an adopted brother.

Stephen Hawking Pictures

From childhood everyone was sure that Stephen was not just a boy of his age, he was special in every sense of the word. He was an ace student from the beginning of his academic career. He stood first in every class. He also attended Oxford University like his parents.

Devastating Illness

Stephen Hawking Photos These days when someone thinks about Stephen Hawking the first thing that comes to mind is that he is in a wheelchair and talks with the help of his computer. Stephen Hawking net worth is $20 million but all the money in the world cannot help in getting better. When Stephen was studying for the final year in Oxford University, he got diagnosed with ALS. His condition became worse in such a short period of time that the doctor gave him only 2 years, everyone who treated Stephen was sure that he will not survive to see his 30th birthday. But Stephen proved them all wrong. He gradually lost all his ability to move and became Wheel chair bound. This man cannot even talk without the help of his computer. But people who talked him say that his brain and his sense humor are still intact. He suffers a lot everyday just to get his normal routine done but he still enjoys life, he is a perfect example of someone who never gives up no matter how tough the condition is.

Personal Life And Other Interests

Stephen Hawking was married twice, but both times his marriage ended in a really bad note. He has 3 children.

Before becoming a victim of this awful disease Aston Martin was known as the Stephen Hawking car among the people who knew him. He used to drive really fast.

Stephen Hawking Photos

Stephen Hawking appeared on Conan O Brien show once.

2014 movie The Theory Of everything was based on Stephen Hawking life.  James Marsh directed this movie and many critics compared the movie to Ron Howard’s A beautiful Mind.

Stephen Hawking net worth is huge and he deserves everything that he earned. A person like Stephen Hawking only comes once in a century.