Donnie Wahlberg Plastic Surgery

Donnie Wahlberg Plastic Surgery Before And After

Donnie Wahlberg Plastic Surgery – Did He Get Plastic Surgery?

Most people could not believe their eyes. Why did the singer get plastic surgery? He did it anyway. Of course, we are talking about Donnie Wahlberg plastic surgery. There is no denying that Wahlberg has had his faced esthetically enhanced.

People are beginning to suspect the sudden change of his face. For someone in his late 40s, his looks do not reflect his real age. The rumor of Wahlberg plastic surgery started spreading when some viewers noticed one or two unnatural and unusual alterations on his appearance when he appeared in a television show. In the show, his face looked quite toned and smooth. However, there is still no reliable information confirming these claims, but it is obvious that he did it.

What Do Plastic Surgeons Have To Say?

In order to get the clear picture, let us find out what plastic surgery specialists say about this. Many plastic surgery experts think Donnie Wahlberg underwent the knife. They found that his face looks so smooth and flawless, which shows some cosmetic treatment signs.

Types Of Plastic Surgery Procedures He Had


The first cosmetic procedure that Donnie probably got is Browlift. According to experts, his facial skin looks perfect and free from wrinkles – particularly around his forehead. Also, he may have had facelift procedure done too. And if you look at his eyes, you won’t see any shopping eyelids.

Tummy Tuck

Without a shred of doubt, the singer underwent a tummy tuck. Wahlberg is known to be a bit overweight, but he is not fat. But recently, he got a slim body. His sudden weight loss stirred up suspicion from fans and critics. They suspect he underwent a tummy tuck to lose weight rapidly. It is impossible to lose such immense weight without surgery.

Even so, not everyone is of the opinion that the celebrity has had a tummy tuck. Most of his followers keep that Donnie Wahlberg plastic surgery gossips and rumors are false. His rapid weight loss is all due to healthy diet and workouts. No one knows the truth since the singer himself never speaks about the subject.

Facial Filler Injections

Another cosmetic procedure that Donnie Wahlberg is suspected to have got is facial filler injection. This procedure helps to remove fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It also restores fullness and volume in the face. Many aged celebrities have received this treatment to conceal facial wrinkles and creases, and Donnie Wahlberg is no exception. Clay Aiken and Delta Burke have had facial filler injections as well.

What People Say About Donnie Wahlberg Plastic Surgery?

A lot of controversy followed this kind of decision made by the singer. Many people did not believe their eyes. They wish that the actor would never have taken such an extreme step. But Donnie did anyway. He did not do it for anyone but his career. Maybe, he hopes that his fans will get used to his new appearance gradually.

Final Thoughts

As much as Donnie Wahlberg wants us to believe that he did not get plastic surgery, this unusual aging is not a normal phenomenon. He must have had a number of cosmetic procedures though in moderation. Most of her ant-aging plastic surgeries were done on his face. With that said, it is no surprise to hear celebrities denying claims that they have had plastic surgery. Judging from his appearance, Donnie Wahlberg plastic surgery accusations could be very true, according to qualified plastic surgeons. But unless he speaks about the rumors, this debate will never come to an end.